The hot temperatures are here to stay as we’re in the prime of a Texas summer in the Dallas-Fort Worth area. At Real Estate Candy, we know how brutal the heat can be and how expensive the air conditioner can be as you try to keep yourself and your loved ones cool. We’ve compiled some affordable tips and tricks to keep your home cool and lower your electricity bill.
Keep curtains closed during the hottest hours of the day
While letting the sunshine in sounds like a good idea at first, it’s also allowing the heat inside. Instead, keep the curtains and blinds closed during the hottest part of the day. Investing in blackout curtains will help give natural insulation to a room to keep the cool air inside. They’re also handy for a great night’s sleep!
Check for air escaping from windows and doors
Cracks in windows and doors will cause the cool air to escape and cause your air conditioner to keep running as it tries to replace the air. Seal any cracks to increase insulation and stop the hot air from entering.
Use fans for circulation and staying cool
Fans are a great low-cost option to help circulate air. A whole-house fan is worth the investment if you don’t have air conditioning already. The pros are energy efficiency, quick cooling of your home, and little to no noise.
Install LED bulbs
Incandescent light bulbs release 90% of their energy as heat. Wow! But, if you replace them with energy-efficient LED bulbs, you’ll save yourself heat and money. LED lights last for 25,000 hours, which is a massive increase from the 1,200 hours incandescent bulbs provide. And they’re not too expensive! A win-win for you, your home, and your wallet!
Install a smart thermostat
While it may be an investment of $100-$200 for the device, a smart thermostat will save you money in the long run. Nest found in a study that their customers saved 15% on cooling costs, about $130 to $145 a year. It’ll benefit your wallet and the environment since the thermostat will adapt to your home needs, saving energy and money.
Replace your air filters
If you have air conditioning and are utilizing it, don’t forget about performing maintenance on your HVAC system! Old air filters full of dust aren’t healthy, and they block airflow to the rest of the home. Replacing your air filters should always be on your summer home improvement list. It’s an easy, affordable task to keep your home cool.
While your property may be cool and chill, the real estate market isn’t! If you want to sell and get the most out of your home in the Dallas-Fort Worth area, contact Greg Douglas today: (214) 425-1007 or [email protected].